Ontario Professional Fire Fighters’ Association v. Atkinson et al.

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The Ontario Professional Fire Fighters’ Association (OPFFA) has advanced a claim alleging that two former members orchestrated a scheme whereby they duped the widows of deceased fire fighters into directing money to the former members, in circumstances where the widows believed and/or intended to donate those monies to the association.  The scheme was carried out with the involvement of a lawyer and a paralegal, spanned over 10 years and involved hundreds of discrete instances of misappropriation.   

There have been a number of preliminary motions in the case that have touched on important legal issues, including (a) the status of a union to make a civil claim, and (2) the enforceability of a solicitor’s undertaking. The Plaintiff was successful in obtaining a Mareva injunction against several of the defendants in June 2019. 

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